Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 6 - Oklahoma - Texas - New Mexico

The only vertical things in Oklahoma and Northern Texas are Billboards and Semi Trucks.
And that is amazing.

Driving through the midwest makes you feel so incredibly small.  The sky seems endless and all consuming, and you feel as though you can see for miles and miles.  I had to ward off all desires to pull over and just watch the sky slowly pass over me.

And then... there's Texas.  I must say, northern Texas surprised me.  After driving through endless flats I went about 30 minutes out of Amarillo and found myself at the Palo Duro Canyon.  The land just drops off and you are left with a basin of bright red and white clay gradient.

I drove down into the canyon and hiked around for a bit.  I found an incredible cave along one of the walls, which had a clear streak of white clay through the center of it.  That was one of my favorite aspects to the canyon was seeing the changes in color throughout the walls - I will definitely be referring to this color scheme in some of my works.
I managed to hobble up to the cave and get a new view of the area.  I was wishing my leg was in better shape because the hiking and mountain biking there looks top notch.  I guess I'll have to come back to Texas (Honestly never thought I'd say that).

Even made some new friends in Texas.

I pulled off on our way to Santa Fe in Santa Rosa to check out the Blue Hole.  The blue hole is an incredible natural hole in the ground that is 60 ft wide and 81 ft deep.  They offer scuba diving as well as just swimming.  Thanks Rikki T for suggesting the pull off - this was incredible!

Onward to Santa Fe!  Managed to drive right into the center of a nice rain storm, but it also offered a picture perfect sunset over the mountains.  A deep azure blue sky with a glow from the mountains turning pink to gold to tone on tone.  No wonder Santa Fe is known as such an artistic city - the scenery is spectacular.  Can't wait to check out the town more tomorrow in the sunshine.

For the record - thanks to Tennessee I have had Blue Suede Shoes stuck in my head for going on 48 hours.  While I'm a fan of The King, this is getting to be a bit much.  Don't worry, I made sure the King lived on through some of the Postcards that I sent out to individuals involved.  Although, according to many inhabitants of Tennessee, Elvis lives, he may be working at McDonalds or mowing lawns in Florida.

Thank you, Thank you very much.

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